• Samstag, September 28, 2024 18:28

ToV Sevalak



Datum Name Notiz Wert
10,15.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
10,09.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
07,21.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
07,08.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
06,24.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
06,09.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
06,02.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
05,28.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
05,20.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
05,14.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
04,30.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
04,21.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
04,16.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
04,08.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
03,10.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
03,03.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
02,24.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
02,18.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
02,10.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
02,05.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
01,27.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
01,20.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
01,15.14 ToV Sevalak 1.00
12,23.13 ToV Sevalak 1.00
12,17.13 ToV Sevalak 1.00
12,10.13 ToV Sevalak 1.00
12,03.13 ToV Sevalak 1.00
12,02.13 ToV Sevalak tried 1.00
11,26.13 ToV Sevalak 1.00
11,19.13 ToV Sevalak 1.00
11,12.13 ToV Sevalak 1.00
11,05.13 ToV Sevalak 1.00
10,29.13 ToV Sevalak 1.00
10,22.13 ToV Sevalak 22:15 - 22:15 1.00
10,15.13 ToV Sevalak 21:30 - 21:31 1.00
10,09.13 ToV Sevalak 21:00 - 21:00 1.00
10,02.13 ToV Sevalak 20:30 - 20:30 1.00
09,24.13 ToV Sevalak Sev 1.00
09,17.13 ToV Sevalak 1.00
08,28.13 ToV Sevalak 1.00
08,21.13 ToV Sevalak 1.00
... 41 Einträge gefunden


Datum Käufer Name Raid Itempool Wert
06,02.14 Malveo Axe of Resistance ToV Sevalak default 12.00
04,30.14 Blord Dread Touched Leggings ToV Sevalak default 1.00
05,20.14 Venom Great Spear of Dawn ToV Sevalak default 31.00
04,08.14 Jerric Great Spear of Dawn ToV Sevalak default 1.00
04,16.14 Flask Dread Touched Armguards ToV Sevalak default 8.00
10,09.14 Ginladar dread touched armguards ToV Sevalak default 21.00
02,24.14 Murderzdamobz Great Spear of Dawn ToV Sevalak default 18.00
10,02.13 Murderzdamobz Shield of Midnight ToV Sevalak default 8.00
10,09.13 Talraa Shield of Midnight ToV Sevalak default 1.00
09,24.13 Venom Shield of Midnight ToV Sevalak default 16.00
10,02.13 Novastrike Dread Touched Armguards ToV Sevalak default 17.00
09,17.13 Bustinn Axe of Resistance ToV Sevalak default 23.00
09,17.13 Rageheart Dread Touched Armguards ToV Sevalak default 28.00
08,21.13 Wormane Lesser Terrormot ToV Sevalak default 0.00
06,24.14 Rumtubok Dread Touched Armguards ToV Sevalak default 16.00
10,09.13 Dread Touched Bracer ToV Sevalak default 41.00
07,08.14 Axe of Resistance ToV Sevalak default 16.00
10,15.13 Nicebody Axe of Resistance ToV Sevalak default 17.00
02,18.14 Sartfest Lesser Terrormote ToV Sevalak default 0.00
10,15.13 Venom Dread Touched Leggings ToV Sevalak default 11.00
03,10.14 Baclash Dread Touched Leggings ToV Sevalak default 1.00
10,22.13 Nicebody Dread Touched Helm ToV Sevalak default 11.00
04,16.14 Pepped Axe of Resistance ToV Sevalak default 15.00
10,22.13 Wintersavage Shield of the Dawn ToV Sevalak default 9.00
04,21.14 Jerric Shield of Midnight ToV Sevalak default 1.00
10,29.13 Searc Shield of the Dawn ToV Sevalak default 1.00
05,14.14 Laolanai Dread Touched Helm ToV Sevalak default 3.00
10,29.13 Nicebody Dread Touched Leggings ToV Sevalak default 7.00
05,28.14 Dethwulf Minor Terrormote ToV Sevalak default 0.00
11,05.13 Sartfest Dread Touched Helm ToV Sevalak default 21.00
06,09.14 Goliad Dread Touched Armguards ToV Sevalak default 12.00
11,12.13 Sartfest Axe of Resistance ToV Sevalak default 11.00
06,24.14 Ziperman Minor Terrormote ToV Sevalak default 0.00
11,19.13 Ramal Shield of Midnight ToV Sevalak default 1.00
07,21.14 Ginladar Shield of the Dawn ToV Sevalak default 0.00
11,19.13 Ternie Dread Touched Leggings ToV Sevalak default 21.00
08,21.13 Klaawz Dread Touched Armguards ToV Sevalak default 19.00
11,19.13 Ziperman Lesser Terrormote ToV Sevalak default 0.00
02,24.14 Strasser Dread Touched Bracer ToV Sevalak default 52.00
11,26.13 Ziperman Dread Touched Helm ToV Sevalak default 27.00
02,24.14 Ginladar Lesser Terrormote ToV Sevalak default 0.00
12,03.13 Murderzdamobz Dread Touched Boots ToV Sevalak default 51.00
04,08.14 Ginladar Dread Touched Gloves ToV Sevalak default 52.00
12,03.13 Axe of Resistance ToV Sevalak default 6.00
04,08.14 Venom Median Terrormote ToV Sevalak default 0.00
12,10.13 Kublacon Great Spear of Dawn ToV Sevalak default 27.00
04,16.14 Arter Greater Terrormote ToV Sevalak default 0.00
12,17.13 Ramal Axe of Resistance ToV Sevalak default 12.00
04,21.14 Kaylindia Dread Touched Helm ToV Sevalak default 12.00
12,23.13 Searc Great Spear of Dawn ToV Sevalak default 13.00
04,30.14 Janathar Shield of Midnight ToV Sevalak default 1.00
01,15.14 Axe of Resistance ToV Sevalak default 16.00
05,14.14 Bowe Axe of Resistance ToV Sevalak default 21.00
01,15.14 Rosemead Median Terrormote ToV Sevalak default 0.00
05,20.14 Janathar Dread Touched Leggings ToV Sevalak default 27.00
01,20.14 Dobbi Dread Touched Armguards ToV Sevalak default 30.00
05,28.14 Laolanai Axe of Resistance ToV Sevalak default 10.00
01,20.14 Wintersavage Great Spear of Dawn ToV Sevalak default 21.00
06,02.14 Eeal Dread Touched Armguards ToV Sevalak default 3.00
01,27.14 Goliad Dread Touched Helm ToV Sevalak default 15.00
06,02.14 Murderzdamobz Greater Terrormote ToV Sevalak default 0.00
01,27.14 Xoron Shield of the Dawn ToV Sevalak default 0.00
06,09.14 Bloodsabre Shield of the Dawn ToV Sevalak default 1.00
02,05.14 Rosemead Shield of the Dawn ToV Sevalak default 0.00
06,24.14 Bloodsabre Great Spear of Dawn ToV Sevalak default 7.00
02,10.14 Jerric Dread Touched Leggings ToV Sevalak default 1.00
07,08.14 Casic Dread Touched Leggings ToV Sevalak default 5.00
02,10.14 Phesar Shield of the Dawn ToV Sevalak default 1.00
07,21.14 Rumtubok Dread Touched Helm ToV Sevalak default 15.00
02,18.14 Jackdaniel Dread Touched Armguards ToV Sevalak default 14.00
10,09.14 Zilmabik lesser terrormote ToV Sevalak default 0.00
02,18.14 Searc Shield of the Dawn ToV Sevalak default 1.00
10,15.14 Uthengetel Axe of Resistance ToV Sevalak default 2.00
08,21.13 Damnage Shield of Midnight ToV Sevalak default 12.00
... 74 Einträge gefunden